The teenage heart throb decided to delete the instagram post, possibly once he realised he was bascially infringing copyright aswell as the fact he has compeltly stolen someone elses design but apparently the mysterious Banksy himself posted the photo his Facebook group with one simple word "controversial".“Amputate under copyright laws”
Was one comment left on the Facebook page had generated over 2,500 ‘likes’.
Even the tattoo artist Glen Hartless was stupid enough to post a photo of the "borrowed" design in mid-ink.
Banksy himself is one to talk as he is a blatent rip-off of the adorable French man - Blek le Rat
I think both the results are in that this a straight KO, Banksy lost the etiquate of graffiti and street art the day he sold out and Justin Bieber was far to young to become famous.