Monday, 7 July 2014

The High Fives - New online store for Cheap UK graffiti supplies

Cheap graffiti supplies for the UK

A new website has opened for cheap graffiti cans, graffiti stencils, graffiti wallpaper, markers, caps.. you name it! I met the owner of the online store at a skatepark in South Wales, UK, after recognising him from previous gigs, graffiti jams and the occasional skate spot we began chatting and he mentioned about his new venture into selling graffiti/hip-hop products.

Cheap street wear and hip hop vinyl

They also have a sick selection of clothing and hip hop vinyl, there was a hint of interest into providing skateboarding hardware but he appeared to have a bit of an issue of taking work off pals and trying not to sour any relationships.

These guys are new and ready to deliver from Montana cans to Stussy apparel to you folk in the United Kingdom for as low as they possibly can. Generally, doing it for the love and the realisation that a lot of shops are charging an unnecessary amount making it unfordable for most, in turn killing off the culture entirely.

Keep up the culture and give these guys a chance.